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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Disability Claims

Post-traumatic stress disorder disability affects millions of Americans, both veteran and civilian. PTSD can affect anyone who has lived through or witnessed a traumatic event such as:

  • The horrors of war and combat
  • Terrorist attacks, such as the 9/11 World Trade Center attack
  • A disaster such as a riot, fire, or hurricane
  • Sexual assault
  • Domestic violence
  • Surviving a catastrophic injury
  • Violent crime such as shootings or murder

PTSD Symptoms

PTSD is a type of severe anxiety disorder. Research has indicated that PTSD can actually damage the brain, where stress can cause the brain to atrophy as well as result in neural death of some areas of the brain.

Living with post-traumatic stress disorder disability can be crippling. The disorder can destroy your quality of life and your ability to provide for your family.

Symptoms of PTSD include:

  • Rage and anger
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Flashbacks of traumatic events, nightmares
  • Avoiding reminders of the experience
  • Memory problems
  • Insomnia
  • Feeling “on edge” or being easily startled
  • Overwhelming guilt or worry
  • Feeling emotionally numb

Claiming Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Disability on a LTD Insurance Policy

Disability insurance companies often take advantage of an unrepresented PTSD claimant, causing the claim to be denied, delayed or terminated.

Because PTSD is typically not recognized by victims right after the stressful event, and worsens over time, they often try to adjust to (or hide from) their problems. They may continue to work, at first without extreme difficulty.

As time goes by, the seriousness of their impairment becomes evident. Yet this gives the insurance company incentive to reject the claim since the claimant was working after the stressor event.

Many long-term disability policies are written by their insurance providers with wording subtly meant to reinforce denial. Most policies state that the insurance company has discretion to determine the award of benefits. Many policies try to fit disability benefits for PTSD under a 24-month limitation.

Other common contract language ambiguously states that benefits will be awarded only if you cannot perform “each and every” important task of your job.

Just because your insurance company denied your claim for post-traumatic stress disorder disability – does not mean they have won. Do not let them intimidate you. Their “decision” of your claim does not mean it is final; it is just what they hope you will think.

We have significant experience in disability insurance law for policies that were privately purchased, or issued through an employer group policy and subject to ERISA law. Talk with us to see how we can help secure the disability benefits you deserve.

Contact Us Today

Proper presentation of your claim, consultation with treating physicians, medical records and other relevant information is essential. We are prepared to fight for your right to the long term disability insurance benefits you deserve. Call Mehr Fairbanks Trial Lawyers without delay, for a free evaluation of your claim: 800-249-3731.

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