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Austin Mehr Wishes a Happy Birthday to the Kentucky Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Act of 1984.

Happy Birthday to the Kentucky Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Act! Today marks the anniversary of the enactment of this important law in Kentucky. It holds insurance companies accountable for not paying claims fairly or promptly. With the right attorney on your side, they can be forced to pay all damages from the delay. They can be made to pay punitive damages for being too slow to pay.

We also extend a “thank you” to the lawmakers in our state who voted UNANIMOUSLY to pass this law. It is a uniform law passed in most states. Kentucky allows any claimant who has been treated unfairly to sue for damages. That threat, of being forced to pay for their misdeeds, keeps insurance payments flowing timely. It prevents unfair negotiation tactics and taking advantage of a person at their weakest.

Call Mehr Fairbanks Trial Lawyers today if you have been jerked around by an insurance company. We know what to do, and we get it done for you.

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